The 1010: an innovative approach to corporate fundraising


The 1010:
An innovative approach to corporate fundraising


The 1010:
An innovative approach to corporate fundraising

The 1010 Challenge has deep roots here at WeSeeHope – our founders Phil and Wendy Wall MBE cashed in their savings back in 2000, giving friends and family £10 each to turn into a profit. They raised an amazing £2 million and kick-started WeSeeHope! Now we set that same challenge to our corporate partners, giving employees £10 and asking them to use their skills, passions and networks to turn it into £100 or more to support our work with vulnerable children across East Africa.

In the post-pandemic world of hybrid working and working from home, it is more important than ever for companies to find new ways to keep their teams engaged and motivated, and also allow for integration of new members. The 1010 could be exactly what your company needs to help you in progressing towards these goals.

The 1010 Challenge has deep roots here at WeSeeHope – our founders Phil and Wendy Wall MBE cashed in their savings back in 2000, giving friends and family £10 each to turn into a profit. They raised an amazing £2 million and kick-started WeSeeHope! Now we set that same challenge to our corporate partners, giving employees £10 and asking them to use their skills, passions and networks to turn it into £100 or more to support our work with vulnerable children across East Africa.

In the post-pandemic world of hybrid working and working from home, it is more important than ever for companies to find new ways to keep their teams engaged and motivated, and also allow for integration of new members. The 1010 could be exactly what your company needs to help you in progressing towards these goals.

Overcoming the challenges of remote working

In a recent study by Forbes, it was found that just over 40% of full-time employees are now entirely home-based or work in a hybrid format and, of those who work from home in some capacity, 78% felt it improved work life balance. It’s clear that the work dynamic has changed, probably for good, so how do we ensure we don’t lose the benefits that the office brought?

Assuming that working patterns are unlikely to revert back to the way they were, we have to start thinking about how to maintain the benefits that working in person offer, such as integration and building strong working relationships. 

Whether it’s getting interns settled into a new role and working closely with those well-established in the organisation, or it’s keeping a team dynamic fresh, the 1010 is a creative and engaging solution.

By getting team members of varying positions within a company or team involved in the 1010 Challenge, you can help build strong relationships throughout an office. Chatham Financial, a financial risk management firm, and one of our long-term partners, recently put the 1010 Challenge to their new intake of five interns. One of those taking part explained “we were able to work with a wider range of people” and how this was beneficial to their integration. The benefits were also felt by the senior management team: “the 1010 fostered teamwork and collaboration across the whole office”, explains Faisal Ratansingwa, Hedging & Capital Markets at Chatham.

Overcoming the challenges of remote working

In a recent study by Forbes, it was found that just over 40% of full-time employees are now entirely home-based or work in a hybrid format and, of those who work from home in some capacity, 78% felt it improved work life balance. It’s clear that the work dynamic has changed, probably for good, so how do we ensure we don’t lose the benefits that the office brought?

Assuming that working patterns are unlikely to revert back to the way they were, we have to start thinking about how to maintain the benefits that working in person offer, such as integration and building strong working relationships. 

Whether it’s getting interns settled into a new role and working closely with those well-established in the organisation, or it’s keeping a team dynamic fresh, the 1010 is a creative and engaging solution.

By getting team members of varying positions within a company or team involved in the 1010 Challenge, you can help build strong relationships throughout an office. Chatham Financial, a financial risk management firm, and one of our long-term partners, recently put the 1010 Challenge to their new intake of five interns. One of those taking part explained “we were able to work with a wider range of people” and how this was beneficial to their integration. The benefits were also felt by the senior management team: “the 1010 fostered teamwork and collaboration across the whole office”, explains Faisal Ratansingwa, Hedging & Capital Markets at Chatham.

“The 1010 fostered teamwork and collaboration across the whole office.”

Felex and Chifuniro, two carpenters who learned their trade through our Vocational Training Programme in Malawi.

Nurturing the right skills in your workplace

Creativity is an asset in any business when tackling complex problems or trying to make your organisation stand out from the competition. But creativity is a skill, as much as time management, organisation and communication are, and it has to be nurtured and accommodated for.

As Michael Boyles from the Harvard Business School Online states: “you need to provide the resources to promote innovation… When a creative and innovative environment is established, a business’s productivity level can spike upward.” This is where the 1010 comes in, once again. Due to the parameters of the challenge, restricting participants to £10 seed capital and placing employees in situations they may not necessarily be used to, the 1010 allows for an environment where these creative skills can be nurtured, encouraged and rewarded – all while raising money for WeSeeHope!

Chatham discovered that creativity was crucial for success, as participants faced the challenge of maximising their start-up capital, in-turn necessitating out-of-the-box thinking.

Succeeding in your CSR and ESG initiatives

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals are more crucial than ever for businesses. Not only do they demonstrate a company’s commitment to ethical practices and sustainability, but they also play a pivotal role in shaping public perception and investor confidence. 

As highlighted in a recent study by Aflac, “61% of investors consider CSR a sign of ethical corporate behaviour, which reduces investment risk.” This statistic underscores the growing recognition among investors that businesses embracing CSR and ESG initiatives are better positioned to mitigate risks, foster long-term growth, and create positive societal impact. By aligning with these principles, companies not only enhance their reputation but also contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for all stakeholders.

The 1010 Challenge represents a perfect way to engage and pursue CSR and ESG initiatives; your company will raise funds that will directly support our work creating sustainable change for vulnerable children across East Africa. For example, our Village Investors Programme (VIP) has helped communities collectively save over £5.6million! The 1010 can bring real value to your organisation by helping you build a strong portfolio of work towards charitable endeavours by raising money to fund projects like the VIP and in turn can help fulfil your unique CSR and ESG initiatives. 

Sifa, a mother of four and a business woman from Tanzania who is training with the VIP.

The 1010 Challenge offers companies a unique opportunity to foster teamwork, creativity, and engagement while supporting a worthy cause. As businesses adapt to new working environments and navigate the complexities of the post-pandemic world, initiatives like the 1010 Challenge can play a vital role in keeping employees motivated, integrated, and inspired. From fulfilling CSR and ESG goals to fostering a culture of innovation, the benefits extend far beyond fundraising.

If you’d like to learn more about what the 1010 Challenge looks like in action, take a look at our case study with Chatham and their interns, or get in touch with our Events & Partnerships Manager, Bekah, at

The 1010 Challenge offers companies a unique opportunity to foster teamwork, creativity, and engagement while supporting a worthy cause. As businesses adapt to new working environments and navigate the complexities of the post-pandemic world, initiatives like the 1010 Challenge can play a vital role in keeping employees motivated, integrated, and inspired. From fulfilling CSR and ESG goals to fostering a culture of innovation, the benefits extend far beyond fundraising.

If you’d like to learn more about what the 1010 Challenge looks like in action, take a look at our case study with Chatham and their interns, or get in touch with our Events & Partnerships Manager, Bekah, at