*Our campaign is now closed. Thank so much to everyone who made a donation and helped us to smash our target!*
From 12pm Tuesday 3rd December till 12pm Tuesday 10th December we are taking on the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge. Our aim is to raise £12,500 or more which will go directly towards supporting 20 households made up of around 80 vulnerable children to learn crucial income-generating and farming skills.
And thanks to the Big Give, every donation that’s given until we reach our target via our dedicated campaign page will be doubled and have twice the impact!
*Our campaign is now closed. Thank so much to everyone who made a donation and helped us to smash our target!*
From 12pm Tuesday 3rd December till 12pm Tuesday 10th December we are taking on the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge. Our aim is to raise £12,500 or more which will go directly towards supporting 20 households made up of around 80 vulnerable children to learn crucial income-generating and farming skills.
And thanks to the Big Give, every donation that’s given until we reach our target via our dedicated campaign page will be doubled and have twice the impact!

For children who do not have family members they can turn to, the role of head of the household and the responsibility to care and provide for themselves and their siblings often falls on the eldest child, no matter their age.
Without any form of income or savings, the whole household will struggle to meet their basic needs and access essentials such as food, clothing and medicine. They may leave school to find work which leaves them susceptible to dangerous child labour where they may face exploitation and abuse. Girls are particularly at risk of issues such as early marriage and teenage pregnancy.
These hardships can take a serious toll on the children’s mental health and wellbeing, causing them to become increasingly isolated and cut off from those in their community who could provide a vital lifeline.
Latest estimates indicate that there are around 2.5 million children in Uganda who have been orphaned. Whilst the number of those who are living as part of a child headed household is not known, this hidden population requires urgent support to break free from the cycle of poverty.
The funds raised through our Transforming Futures campaign will go towards expanding our Child Headed Households Programme to the Mbale region in eastern Uganda. Working with our partner there, ACET Mbale, we will introduce 20 households made up of around 80 children to the programme.
Throughout their first of three years of training and support, we will work directly with the head of the household to:
1. Start their own business so they can begin to earn an income.
2. Connect with a trained guardian who will provide vital mentorship and support.
3. Run their own food garden so they have a reliable source of nutrition.
4. Learn to rear livestock such as pigs or goats which gives them an economic safety net.
In 2023, of the households that completed their third and final year of training with the programme:

So by supporting our campaign, you will be helping vulnerable children to get back to school, earn an income that lifts them above the $2.15 a day extreme poverty line, and to transform their futures.
So, by supporting our campaign, you will be helping children to get back to school, earn an income above the $2.15 a day extreme poverty line, and transform their futures.
We are so thankful to have received match funding from the Big Give and the Reed Foundation. Their commitment to our campaign means that 100% of donations made up until we hit our target will be matched and have double the impact. This means that…
A donation of £25, doubled to £50, is enough to fund all the training and cost of materials and equipment for a household to launch their own business.
Remember, all donations must be made via our Big Give page once our campaign is live at midday on the 3rd December, and before it closes at midday on the 10th December.
Please consider making a donation, it really does make an incredible difference!